
FREE PATTERN-The Knitted Hearts Headwrap

To purchase the printable version, visit my Etsy shop! Mattie Mae Crochet Etsy Shop

Disclaimer:This knitting pattern is property of Mattie Mae Crochet and is not to be altered, resold, or claimed by anyone other than it's creator.

Skill Level: Advanced Beginner

Size 11 (8 mm) 16Circular Knitting Needles
1 Skein of Super Bulky (6) Yarn-Main Color
1 Skein of Super Bulky (6) Yarn-Contrasting Color
Stitch Marker
Tapestry Needle

CO-Cast On
MC-Main Color
CC-Contrasting Color
PM-Place Marker
BO-Bind Off

Infant(Toddler/Child, Teen/Adult)
{1-2 years, 4-9 years, 10+ years}
{14-16, 17-19, 20-22}

Pattern Notes:
*Read entire pattern before beginning.
*This pattern calls for the Long Tail Cast On method. If you are not familiar with this cast on method, you can follow this tutorial or use your preferred cast on method.
*How to catch long floats to keep the tension of color changes nice and neat:
*The heart pattern is made in an 8 stitch repeat. See graph for reference.

Using size 11 circular needles and main color, CO 40(48,56) stitches. PM and join in the round, being careful not to twist the stitches.

Ribbed Band
Round 1: K1,P1 around.
Round 2 & 3: Repeat round 1.

Round 4: K around.
Round 5: K around.
Round 6: *K7 sts in MC, K1 st in CC*. Repeat *to* around.
Round 7: K1 st in CC, K5 sts in MC, *K3 sts in CC, K5 sts in MC*. Repeat *to* around to last 2 sts. K last 2 sts in CC.
Round 8: K2 sts in CC, K3 sts in MC, *K5 sts in CC, K3 sts in MC*. Repeat *to* around to last 3 sts. K last 3 sts in CC.
Round 9: K3 sts in CC, K1 st in MC, *K7 sts in CC, K1 st in MC*. Repeat *to* around to last 4 sts. K last 4 sts in CC.
Round 10: Repeat Round 9.
Round 11: *K3 sts in CC, K1 st in MC.* Repeat *to* around.
Round 12: K1 st in MC, *K1 st in CC, K3 st in MC*. Repeat *to* around to last 2 sts. K last 2 sts in MC. Cut CC yarn, leaving tail for weaving.
Round 13: K around.
Round 14: K around.
Round 15&16: K1, P1.
Round 17: BO alternating K1, P1. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail for weaving in.
Weave in ends.











Thats it! Enjoy your Knitted Hearts Head Wrap!

I’d love to see your creations! Tag me on Instagram @mattiemaecrochet and use #knittedheartsheadwrap!
You may sell your finished product, but please refer credit back to my shop.
If you have any questions about the pattern, feel free to email me! Happy Knitting!

Photo courtesy of Mars Knits 

Meet The Maker!

Hello and welcome to my journey in the yarn world! Thank you for being here!
Let me start out by introducing myself...
My name is Tara and I am addicted to all things knit and crochet. I am a 31 year old RN turned stay-at-home mom to two wonderfully exhausting kids. My daughter Mattie Kate is 7 and my son Mason is 4. (See there how I got my business name? Mattie and MAE-son...pretty creative huh?) You may see an occasional picture of them pop up here. Mattie Kate was 18 months old when I said "ciao" to the medical world and started my life as a full time mom. Admittedly they have been the most challenging years of my life, but they have also been the best. I'm thankful everyday for my time with them. Crocheting and knitting has definitely been an outlet and my therapy so I don't completely lose my mind. We live in Virginia with my hardworkin' hubby; our dog and 2 cats complete our little family.

Now about my love affair with yarn... it all started when I found out Mason would be joining us. I decided one day, quite spontaneously that I wanted to crochet him a baby blanket...(said blanket is still in the WIP pile...I know, I know) and went to my mother-in-law for lessons. She taught me the basics and from there it grew into an obsession. I then taught my mom and she is just as obsessed as I am!
I have a serious yarn-stashing habit and my husband will tell you, every surface of our house is covered in yarn. Not literally, but I'm sure in his mind that's how it looks. I have the willpower of a well...a maker in a yarn store. Ha! I see a skein I have to have, it comes home with me. However, one of my goals in the new year is to ONLY BUY WHAT IS NECESSARY! I will keep you updated on this as the year goes on. I think I can, I think I can.

Okay, so that's a little bit about me, but you will learn more and more as you read my future posts. 

Comment below and tell me a little about you!

Much love, 